Do curtains help with the heat?

Do you sometimes wonder whether the right window decorations can really help to regulate the temperature in the house? The answer is yes! Curtains are an excellent way to keep the heat out in the summer. In this blog, we'll tell you what to look out for in your search for heat-resistant window dressings.
The thicker the fabric, the better
In general, the thicker the fabric, the better the insulation value. That's why padded or blackout curtains are ideal for keeping out the heat. Many of our Inside fabrics can be lined, with a lining of your choice. In addition, we have a wide range of dim-out fabrics that block up to 98% of the light, and we recently launched our Fusion collection (fabrics with an integrated lining). Fabrics that are naturally thicker and fuller, such as the velour from our Diva collection, are also ideal for this. Plenty of choices.
White, whiter, whitest
In your search for heat-reflecting curtains, it is important to take the color of the reverse side into account. Choose (lining) fabrics in light colors, preferably white. White reflects the sunlight, while dark fabrics absorb the sunlight (and the heat) and can therefore also emit it into the room.
Wooden blinds
Do you want to be able to control the light and perhaps still enjoy a few rays of sunshine? Then wooden blinds are a good alternative. But again, go for light colors that reflect sunlight.
If you want to go one step further, you can combine wooden blinds and curtains. This way, you create an extra layer that blocks the heat even better. In addition, you give your interior a rich look: two birds with one stone!
Ook screens zijn een waardevolle aanvulling op het interieur, voor al wie streeft naar energie-efficiëntie en comfort. Door de perforatie in de doeken krijgen zon en warmte geen kans om de woning binnen te dringen, terwijl het zicht naar buiten bewaard blijft. Bovendien fungeren de screens als een barrière om het zonlicht van je tv of computerscherm weg te houden. Ook meubilair, vloer en gordijnen worden beschermd tegen verkleuring.
Would you like more information about the insulating curtains from Inside? Then visit your nearest Inside dealer. Looking for some inspiration? Do not hesitate to order free samples of our fabrics or wooden blinds via our sample service (currently only available in Dutch or French)!